






本次展览将出现多位具有国际知名度的艺术家的影像作品,例如美国艺术家比尔·维奥拉,他是国际公认当代最杰出的艺术家之一,曾经获得了许多荣誉,包括“麦克阿瑟奖”(1989年)、第21届“加泰罗尼亚国际奖”(2009年)和日本美术协会颁发的“高松宫殿下纪念世界文化奖”。英国艺术家山姆·泰勒-伍德是1990年代兴起的“英国青年艺术家”群体的成员,她最广为人知的作品是《哭泣的人》,拍摄了许多哭泣的好莱坞名流,包括罗宾·威廉斯、肖恩·潘、劳伦斯·菲什伯恩和保罗·纽曼。作为电影制作人,她因导演了电影《无处的男孩》(2009)和《五十度灰》(2015)而为人所熟知。伊朗裔艺术家施林·奈沙以影像、摄影和电影创作著称,她的作品受到无数次的认可,其中包括获得1999年威尼斯双年展“国际奖”、2009年威尼斯电影节“银狮奖最佳导演奖”等。伊朗裔的阿拉什·纳西里是一位85后艺术家,非常年轻,但已获得了一系列重要的国际奖项,其中包括比利时Les Enfants Terribles艺术节媒体奖、法国巴黎Côté-Court Pantin艺术节最佳实验短片奖等。他这次更是亲自来到深圳与观众、媒体见面。 







超越,追寻普世之诗/Crossing Over, In Search of Global Poetry   作者:哈恩·内夫肯斯/Han Nefkens    





As a child I fantasized about leaving my own head and settling for a while in that of a perfect stranger; the lady from the pharmacy, a boy on a bicycle, the man fishing in the lake near our house. I wanted to immerse myself in the world of that other person; I wanted to know what they had for breakfast, what their thoughts were, how they saw the world. I longed to escape from my own head, a longing that was rooted just as much in my imaginative powers as in a keen curiosity, a sense of adventure and a deep desire to connect with other people. I even had a name for it; I called it ‘crossing over’.

That desire to cross over has shaped my life; as soon as I finished high school I left home to live in other countries, learn other languages and discover other customs. Later, through art, I found the ultimate way to lose myself in the other, to take distance from who I am and see the world through the eyes of the artist.

It is only natural that my choice of artists reflects my passion to know about other cultures and to learn about other ways to express ourselves. What attracts me to the artists represented here is their very particular way of telling a story; they evoke their world not only by showing things but also by leaving things out, just as poets do. That way, we, the viewers, have a chance to continue imagining that other world, to be a poet ourselves, even if only for a couple of minutes.
I invite you to leave your own head while watching the videos, to cross over and see the world through the eyes of these artists. I am sure you will find, as I did, that by losing yourself in their work you will ultimately find yourself.
It is with great pleasure that I share my journey with the visitors of this exhibition. Just like the artists represented.

走来走去或空空荡荡的视界/A Shifting or Empty Field of Vision    作者:冯博一/Feng Boyi    






The artist's sensitivity and pondering of contemporary culture will lead him to constant experimentation and exploration in his creative concepts, methods and mediums. Among these things, the importance of medium goes without saying. Artistic mediums have continuously evolved in step with advances in technology. Video art, first born in the West in the mid-1960s, stands as a very representative and demonstrative case. Chinese video art began in the late 1980s, some thirty years after its emergence in the West, but it continues to develop, and is coming to match the rest of the world. This has particularly been the case in the 21st century, where cinema has grown ubiquitous, and has come to influence human cognition in ways both more profound and subtle than ever before. Video art has evolved into a comprehensive artistic approach that incorporates multiple cinematic techniques and installation environments around a core of moving image, and is today the primary creative medium for many artists.

Han Nefkens is a famous Dutch art collector and writer. He began building his collection (H+F Colletion) in 2000, and has worked selectively with art museums and other institutions to exhibit his collection. The collection currently consists of 469 items, including art, photography and fashion design. This includes 35 works of film and video works. Like Mr. Nefkens himself, his collection does not easily fall into any categorization. Perhaps, as a writer, video art is in keeping with his own linguistic narrative pursuits. As an individual, his greatest desire is to share and exchange art from different cultural backgrounds with audiences. Just as he stated in his essay, “They evoke their world not only by showing things but also by leaving things out, just as poets do. That way, we, the viewers, have a chance to continue imagining that other world.”

The Han Nefkens Foundation was established in Barcelona, Spain, in 2009, with the mission of “connecting people through art.” The foundation carries out this mission by conferring awards and scholarships, providing production financing for artist works, holding exhibitions, and sponsoring multidisciplinary residency programs. The Han Nefkens foundation has established a worldwide network of experts and scholars who nominate candidates and participants for programs devised to provide international developmental opportunities to outstanding emerging artists, designers and writers. The foundation collaborates with artists around the world, particularly those from non-Western countries, and supports the work of young, undiscovered artists to help them unleash their imagination and creative potential. Here at He Xiangning Art Museum, the foundation is presenting new video works recently entered into the H+F Colletion by Chinese artist Zhou Tao and Korean artist Sojung Jun. These fit perfectly with the mechanisms for creative support, collection, exhibition and audience interaction pursued by Han Nefkens and his foundation.

He Xiangning Art Museum has long focused on the environment for contemporary art in China and its progression, and worked to foster exchange and promotion of contemporary art between China and the rest of the world. It is my good fortune to work together with Han Nefkens and his foundation for In Search of Global Poetry: Videos from the Han Nefkens Collection. The exhibition presents twelve video works by artists of different cultural backgrounds and identities from around the world. These works directly and indirectly express the artists’ recognition, thinking and experimentation on the relationship between art and new media in an era of digital technology, and provide new vision and perceptions of the technological revolution for artists and audiences in China. The works in this exhibition are rooted in their specific regional cultures, while also providing a global cultural vision, allowing us to clearly appreciate and understand the ways in which these artists employ the visual language methods of video art to express their attitudes, views and transcendental poetic imaginations towards art. From this, not only can we see the progress of technology and the rise of new art, but we are also exposed to new realms and topics for traditional aesthetics and creative methods. For this, we are eternally grateful to Han Nefkens, his foundation, and curator Hilde Teerlinck, for their support and assistance.

In art, there is a mainstream, and there are margins. Within this, diverse voices are needed to facilitate coexistence and dialogue between different cultural spheres. Dialogue is predicated on difference, and difference inevitably demands the independence of each interlocutor, independence manifest through artistic attitudes and creative autonomy. Thus, as the margins constantly interject in and challenge the center, society becomes more than just a single voice, and comes to comprise diverse expressions, tolerating and embracing coexistence in difference, and complex movements within the system of art. Meanwhile, art is also virtual in essence. Art is more like a dream, one step removed from reality. This imaginary construct gives the viewer a non-concrete relationship. Art creates a relationship between artist, viewer and the virtual figures, fields or scenes in the artwork to seek out a form of release within the relationship between “self” and “other.” Thus, the artist is able to draw from his emotional leanings and inner secrets, with no need to conceal himself in these real relationships with others. Through the virtual world of cinema, people gain detachment from the heavy world of reality that makes for a realm outside of the social reality, a garden of refuge. This is much like works of the artists featured in this exhibition, where we find endless joy.












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