为青年和未来而设计——米兰家具卫星展25年与Marva Griffin教授聘任仪式

主 题
为青年和未来而设计——米兰家具卫星展25年与Marva Griffin教授聘任仪式
Design for the Youth and the Future - SaloneSatellite’s 25 years’ Practice and Marva Griffin Professorship Ceremony

时 间
11月8日(周三)下午13:00 – 15:00
November 8th (Wednesday), 13:00 – 15:00

地 点
阜新路281号 同济大学设计创意学院暗房报告厅
281 Fuxin Road, Darkroom, College of Design and Innovation (D&I), Tongji Univeristy

The lecture is open to all members, both inside and outside the campus.

周洪涛, 上海国际设计创新学院副院长

周洪涛, 上海国际设计创新学院副院长
ZHOU Hongtao, Vice Dean of Shanghai International College of Design and Innovation

Marva Griffin 米兰家具卫星展创始人及策展人

Marva Griffin 米兰家具卫星展创始人及策展人
Marva Griffin, Founder and Curator SaloneSatellite

Marva Griffin出生在委内瑞拉,而米兰成为她在设计和家具领域工作时的养育之地。这段关系和她的执着使她于2017年获得了Ambrogino d'Oro Civic Merit奖项。

Marva在职业生涯的最初阶段担任了Piero Ambrogio Busnelli的助手、翻译和C&B(现B&B Italia)的传媒负责人。之后,她是许多Condè Nast出版刊物的意大利特派负责人。在威尼斯,她组织了"Incontri Venezia"展览,包括"Fabrics for Furnishings"和"Design Objects",共持续了八年。自1990年起,她担任Salone del Mobile.Milano的国际新闻总监,目前担任国际关系大使。在1998年,她创办了SaloneSatellite,并担任策展人,这是国际年轻设计师和国际设计学校的国际推广平台。在2014年5月,她获得了Compasso D'Oro XXIII终身成就奖。


在2021年,她获得了米兰理工大学颁发的产品服务系统设计荣誉硕士学位。而在2023年,她凭借卓越的贡献被授予了由德国设计委员会赞助的ICONIC AWARDS 2023: Innovative Interior奖项,被认为是“年度创作者”。

Marva Griffin was born in Venezuela and Milan became her city of adoption when she began working in the design and furniture world. A relationship and commitment that led her to receive the Ambrogino d'Oro Civic Merit in 2017.

Marva took the first steps of her career alongside Piero Ambrogio Busnelli as his assistant and interpreter and head of communications at C&B (now B&B Italia), then became the Italian correspondent for many Condè Nast publications. For eight years organized the Incontri Venezia exhibitions “Fabrics for furnishings” and “Design objects” in Venice. Since 1990 at Salone del Mobile.Milano she is the International Press Director and, currently, Ambassador of International Relations. In 1998 founded SaloneSatellite, taking care as Curator: the proven international launching pad for young designers and international design schools and universities. In May 2014 received the Compasso D'oro XXIII Lifetime Achievement Award.

Since 2001, she is a member of the Philip Johnson Architecture & Design Committee of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and, as of 2016, she is Italian Design Ambassador for the Italian Design Day in the world.

In 2021 she received the Honorary Master's Degree in Product Service System Design by Politecnico di Milano.

On 2023 she won the prestigious ICONIC AWARDS 2023: Innovative Interior as “Creator of the Year”, sponsored by the German Design Council.

米兰家具卫星展在过去的25年里成为中国年轻设计师的重要成长平台,很多年轻设计师从中受益。讲座开始首先将向Marva Griffin颁发同济大学设计创意学院客座教授的聘书,之后Griffin教授将分享她的生平故事与设计工作经历,如何一步一步成为如今的SaloneSatellite卫星展的创始人、策展人以及国际新闻总监,以及米兰家具卫星展对年轻一代设计方面产生的影响,如何改变了年轻人的生活,我们将来需要如何教导孩子、学生和年轻成年人设计。

Over the past 25 years, SaloneSatellite Exhibition has become an important platform for the growth of young Chinese designers, and many young designers have benefited from it. The event will start with Professorship Ceremony of Marva Griffin for being a visiting professor at the College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University. Later, Professor Griffin would share her life story, how she became the curator and founder of SaloneSatellite today, SaloneSatellite’s goal, and how it changes young people’s life, and what we need to do to teach design to kids, students, and young adults in the future.


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