Relishing travel gold bullion pineapple cake
Relishing travel conveys a promise of life inspired by the food. It not only inherits the glamour of the nature beauty of the land and the elegance of the farmers living with the sky, but also contains 30 years of handmade pride. In the little cubic space, we try to imitate the taste of the warm sunshine and the sour fruit flavor.
The style of design was set in the beginning to be with sense of primitive simplicity and embedded with cultural experiences. It also integrated the concepts of the brand that is, consumers can take limited edition of memories and unlimited feelings from every journey; therefore, consumers are able to directly connect with cultural code of a souvenir because of its traditional souvenir-form appearance. Moreover, the packaging is reduced to a certain extent in order to avoid wasting on unnecessary materials and complication. In addition, this brand insists to use locally grown pineapples. The golden semé figures are spread over the cloth of packaging, conveying the grace from unselfish sunlight of pleasant warmth as well as representing the feelings of fertile land of this moment. The design of fabric bag, which is the visual focus of the packaging, is patterned in the symbol of the brand, pineapple, which is also the auxiliary visual marking of this brand. The centre of the constituent patterns is a symbol of coin, indicating the pronunciation of pineapple in Taiwanese, which has a homonymic meaning of the coming luck; therefore, the intentions of gifting also means a blessing.
2012 金点设计奖(台湾国家级设计奖项)包装设计类/金点标章
2012 Golden Pin Design Award. Package Design/Golden Pin
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